söndag 5 februari 2012

Step by step

Embrace whatever you get, it might be the only, for free. Possibility suddenly revealed and questions made silly. Nowhere did it need to snow but it would do so for doing so.
annoyance and tension made everyday a mess. Patience paid off and still no grudge had been fought. I'll just take the stairs again.


You spent your whole youth to build the precious barrier you now embrace over all. The more i in detail tell you how horrible it is to see, it makes your pretty barrier shine stronger than ever.
It doesn't matter anymore because inside the barrier everything is made perfect and you have no need for someone as i.
I will remember you before the change, and pretend that this is simply something i dreamt.

lördag 4 februari 2012


Give me your spine, no longer do we have to worry, doubt or admit. We can focus on us and not tomorrow or jealousy. Made perfect with a commitment as great as infinite time.
Think and stand straight until you fall asleep. When you have made your decision and feel ready to take the step you need to do the exact opposite. You will find your former thought was inferor.
Learning from differences have been a puzzle since the start. Never again will you see the downside of the very dream you always had.


It was the first time, for a long time. I was about to be as understanding as a child. I ran more than i should have run but the rain remind me of why.
As i look around it was different, hard to tell if it was a coincidence that you gave me the look on the same evening but a year later.
Can't feel right now, eventually eversion will be inevitable.


I am terrified because of the situation, purpose was meant to be. No doubt in the shaking hands putting anger together into words.
No tension made since light had never shown me how, because i had deserved the cloud of dismay.
Blinded of, and strangled by laughter that created, and desire has been pleased.

fredag 3 februari 2012

Februari depression

The door is sleeping, too cold to go outside. Subtile, every sin would turn white within seconds, excuse of the fall would simply be okay in this state of state.
You're living inside but you are invisible on the outside. Morning comes and so does hope, after a nightmare as long as your whole life. A circle so obscure not even you will comprehend.

måndag 30 januari 2012


So hard to find the calm i once knew. So hard to sleep without your skin. I don't dare to wake you up for you would merely gaze at perfection in dismay.
Without your energy around, mine has forgotten it's purpose. A purpose so clear and very unreal. Without your breath.


Do you?

Do you know hate?
Do you know it by heart?
Do you know?

Don't you know the complex?
Don't you know?

Will you ever comprehend?

söndag 29 januari 2012


You need me but not really, you just need die right now. Mood stolen from the angst you left me with, else has not made sense since. Purge my mind, whilst preteding you are the fame.
I don't care about your detailed misery, keep it for you and only you. You deserve what you are, you are selfcaused. Don't eat play my lie and wear the tied up struggle you wanted.

fredag 27 januari 2012


In a world without pain there was a questionably, restlessly and honestly strange creature. Didn't need to feed, didn't know how to feel.
It had but one purpose it never failed to complete, no counting on needed, and no remorse to be felt. It required only nothing in return and nothing did it get for controlling this world.
As unreal as it may seem, it's something we all have seen.


The room was dark, it wanted to be dark. The intention of the room was else but it filled a purpose so much brighter than it's shapes.
No attention did the color get, for it was the lovely and yet. I inhale has much of the feeling i like from here. It would refuse to think badly of me.
Stubburn like so, but it didn't help much at all. I am grateful you exist even if as simple as pointing at my lack of twist.


Hit the bottom, not for awhile had i expect to. Nervously trying to find my way through the air in order come to another stair. Instead i noticed a crack in the floor.
No fear of what's to come i jump, jump and jump a little more. Freefall through darkness, i have found light and eager i rip through the new thoughts colliding with hate.


At the northpole the wind tastes like silence, the ice smells like calm. No need to be misunderstood and no worrying about your back, since nothing worse than being eaten alive.
Throughout the northpole none sat in a ring. I'd build the northpole as i'd like. So crazy with power, every nothing i would build. Humanity so far away, and no currency used to pay.


One, are the parasite. Humble he goes not a goal has been achieved and yet at ease. Expect nothing and get something, cheated on and a grin none stood straight before.
Vengeance was an accident, he happen to smile for his own reasoning. So well fed it's impossible to get through anymore. I wonder if memories of the cars clashing would give a tear or a smile. Forever satisfied he will go and find a new victim.


Lungs no longer motivated. They don't know how to feel, mostly because they aren't us. I hate to smile for the same reason again. I know i am not wrong but so aren't you.
Lungs with no grudge towards elitists, only suggest for them to stop. Watch desperation of the so highly valued life sink into the misery it has driven into the people around.
A tear for them, and they are forgotten as the tear drips into the river, I could not care less.

I remember
I wonder
I dream
I believe
I care
I acknowledge
I envy
I wait
I sacrifice
I feel
I hurt
I love
You don't


I don't know home but i know you. I know confidence only with you. I won't give up on you or the nonsense you create. No rope or neck has troubled me for a time known as infinte in my head.
Never today and always yesterday, you are every- nothing have i said. Go away you are pain, leave me here i need to break. I decided not to swear but spare me the whole horrid mass of woe.
Shaking as i think even slightly, i'd love to hold you way to tightly.


Wake up sober and still a stranger unknown more than ever, happier and cleverer. Feel the mirror licking my lips, enjoy the presence of disturbing sounds like whispers of glass.
Walking for joy, appreciate the floor for. Only nothing has changed and still noticed in a run of every day. I was me, and me i am. Difference obscure, excited like limited. Visions are clearer,
indifference unclearer. So full of hope and pinched the arm, had to put colors into the room just to know where you are. Not far from the dream i created, a few flaws were not but genius.


Over the wall there were so many, and so few. There was a sin called conscience in this village. Not many were aware and neither did they care.
killed for accidently building the wall too high at the left side from the road. Every black sheep slaughtered and every white one admired.
No adventure was known and no adventurers except for me. The fall off of the wall was quick and i don't recall much more from that day.
Now i am thinking properly and nothing except routine has caught my interest since then.

Valuable mistake

Was that a joke, i believe i am. Pretty has not been in sight for awhile. understand the reason though the best mistake was not to see through the lie.
Found in a place none could visit at day, found in a mood which is new least to say, found in a manner of fresh just like pain. Walking down mountains seems easier today.
Imaginary bullets can't hear what i say, for i am the bullet beating. Mistaken for a crime, my love is divine.

Nowhere to run to

The way the hard the heart the whole the slow.
So brutal so lovely so complete so swift.
Never easy never still never empty never quick.

torsdag 26 januari 2012


The bag didn't want to be, because it had been seen. Greed of many would release it forever. Never again could it be what it wanted to be, unseen.
It would selfkill to be, chew on it's lies, even ready to die to keep forever the secret it brought. Ripped apart, puzzled faces because nothing was found.
Greed has killed many lifes.


Once dreamt as water, concerete has become. Serius as joke, deadly like so. Right again, feeling the same. Wrong as always, feels like i'm flawless.
Once dreamt as ice, sand has become. Judged by honesty, pointless like so. No commitment again, urge of the same. Confused as always, desire of flawless.


Nothing neutral was found on the battlefield. We fought just to forget about reality, and to remember what it feels like to be indifferent.
A sacrifice so essential for this war to make sense, stubborn as anonymity and full of hatred like humanity. The sweet scent of hope, breathing became important.
Curious about the outcome, and how expensive nothing would become. I suspect there would be nothing to gain.


Not at home, outside freezing to feel the warmth. Refuse to be weak and forget how to doubt. A fortunate gift suddenly came into the lie.
I feel more than anything, infact nothing. Just a detail as the goal is clear and breathing is just as simple as falling for you.
Time favours me, first time in ages and i step inside just to fight the cold.

Give myself me

To be or no not able to be me. I don't have such to decide, instead i wait like the snow waits to be dusted off of the streets.
I see right through the wall, depression is not far from home. I knew this feeling long time ago but only now can i fully admit.
Not much to blame, else than the oblivious me liking the pain. Always on my own and never understood in a complex of gain.


Give it back to me you can't keep it as you do. I would treat it well i promise. Rainbow.
It's so hard to think reason for me and i. I will make up a reason based on thought not today.
I will arrange and care, less thought and more share. I'd look and stare, confused of how and where. Not able to compute without your breath.
I would let you hate me.


Anxious because I lied, I touch the hand you so slowly recognized as yours. Play with the thought of giving it to you forever since it's already yours.
Not only that but also to feel something, an illusion of hope. What if i could claim? it would be indifferent to shame.
My heart struggles to find reasoning anymore, begin another lie and drown.


No expectation during the interrogation. As the blood paints, my skin is pleased.
Not have all been in vein. Smiling I, look at the stains and think about the fall. Only the life has left, is the pity i left.
Learning and harsh, better yet than none. Perseverance and stubbornness, decades of practice.

Even I

Wrong foot, interpretation of the thought was wrong. Too slow, and yet very fast.
Wrong step, interpretation of the foot was wrong. To smart, and yet very careless.
Wrong words, interpretation of love was wrong. Too quick, and yet so naive.
Right intention, interprention of the situation was wrong. Too eager and yet so powerless.


Pretence of reality melts into action. Slow systems without determination, Errors not forgiven. Orders recieved soon smoothly acknowledged.
Difference unknown, perfection achieved in this world. Beauty forgotten nor flaws to be found. Wake up half dead my eyes heavier than thought, we remain.
On time for work, the smell removes conscience and i am numb again.


Your skin grows darker, as does my despite. Love of flaws, all of the cards. Words i should not use, but rather abuse.
Hate of the mass, excruciated of the past. So much i can see through the wall, i care for you at all.

Ego zero

Cold, looking around, Just a sound. The door into humanity was opened, no shame or gain.
Convinced i was aware just as ever, the lie begun. Searching for the switch, she came into my life as swift as out.
I remember the cliff, i had been here before. Calm in mind, i travel again.


She hung dear to the edge of the cliff, not would one like to fall for infinity.
I walked up to her, things she said, did, pretended. Put on knees, not able to think for her screams.
I was going to save her, as i reach out i remember how she put the words in her mouth.
I licked my lips and used the same beautiful words, "I don't want your touch."
At this point i could no longer feel, i was happy.
I tried the words in my head before finally spelling them with my lips.
"Fall for me, please."